Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Whatever you Do in life will be igsignificant. But it's very important that you do it."-Gondi

For anyone who follows me, know that my dream is to open the minds and hearts of all my readers. In other words i would very much like ( more like love) to be a writer. I feel that magic exists only in art. I am to sad to say that i think the magic has died for many of us a long time ago. I am only 15, and i am not perfect. I can be vain, condescending, and pompous. and hopefully not all the time. i want to try really hard to be a good person and see all the good things in the world. For my age i have seen some sad sights, and lived with very unhappy people. I think something i really want out of life is to be happy and know that i am loved. I also want to share that with the world. i am 15 and my hopes are still semi-tangible.